Winter Windshield Replacement

Windshield damage in winter isn't uncommon. Traction gravel placed on the roads can be thrown up, resulting in a small chip. If you don't notice it, that chip will quickly grow into a large crack thanks to winter temperature extremes. At this point, your only option is to replace the windshield. Don't be tempted to put off this task until spring and warmer weather. Although a windshield replacement does require a bit more care in the winter months, it is still safer to have it done immediately rather than to wait.

Moisture Concerns

Moisture can prevent a windshield from properly sealing into place. This issue is especially important during the winter months. Any moisture that becomes trapped between the windshield and the frame or seal can freeze and expand. This expansion will compromise the integrity of the windshield, either causing it to leak or to develop a crack. Your replacement service must keep your vehicle in a dry place both during and following the replacement. Once they remove the old windshield and clean out the frame, they may use heat guns or other devices to ensure that there is no moisture trapped in the window.

Temperature Management

The other major concern in winter is the temperature. Not only can it be harder for a person to actually do the detail work of window installation in cold weather, the temperature can also affect how well the window seals into place. Opt for a windshield replacement service that does their work inside a heated bay or garage. If you have your own heated garage, you can opt for a mobile service that will perform the replacement on site at your home. The car shouldn't be exposed to freezing temperatures after the replacement either, so you may not be able to drive the car for the first 24 hours depending on the weather. If you don't have a garage to park in, you may need to find a service that will keep your car until the seals are fully set.

After Care In Winter

Be cautious with your new windshield for the first week after installation so that the seals are sure to set properly. Avoid rapid temperature changes, such as pouring hot water on the windshield or blasting it with direct hot air when temperatures are below freezing. You may want to avoid scraping ice when possible, as well. You can instead depend on gentle defrost the melt ice on the windshield or you must scrape gently and cautiously.

Contact a windshield replacement service for more help.

About Me

Windshield Repair: On Wheels!

Perhaps since the car was invented, people have been finding ways to put various businesses on wheels. There are food trucks, which are essentially mobile restaurants. There are mobile dog grooming vans and mobile veterinarians. Now, there are mobile windshield repair services. They bring their shop tools to your car and do your repairs right on the spot, saving you a drive. This is really convenient when you work all day and can't take time off to bring your car to the shop. Read this blog to learn more about mobile windshield repairs. We love how these businesses take to the road.


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